Sunday, February 10, 2008

why AAMI sucks

I pity ANY girl named Amy.... especially after this group came up with the slogan 'Luckyyyyy you're with Amy.' Of course, it should be pronounced 'Double A, Em, Eye'. You don't say 'Norma' when you say 'NRMA', do you?

SO, on to the ad: ''This is a message for my Todd.''

She's called Amy, I guess, and she tells Todd to give her a ring (engagement?).

Problem is, it perpetuates the idea that women are unable to communicate to their partners about what they want (or that men are just hopeless on listening): either way, the ad sucks cos it makes Amy look desperate and pushy and sneaky.

''You following me, Todd?'' What's that supposed to be, a threat? If i was Todd, I'd say 'yeah, I hear you, and there's the door.'

Get rid of this ad, AAMI, it's dumb and boring.

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